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What's inverse kinematic model for a 6dof robotic manipulator?

Inverse kinematics is a method used in robotics to determine the joint angles necessary to move the end effector (or tool) of a robot to a desired location. In the case of a robotic manipulator with six degrees of freedom (6DOF), inverse kinematics refers to the calculation of the six joint angles needed to position the end effector at a specific location and orientation in space.

Define the full model in mathematical terms - use textual representation instead of latex

The inverse kinematic model for a 6DOF robotic manipulator can be represented mathematically as a set of equations that relate the end-effector's position and orientation in space (in terms of the Cartesian coordinates X, Y, Z and the rotational angles roll, pitch, and yaw) to the joint angles of the robot. These equations can be derived using techniques from robotics and kinematics, and typically involve the geometric relationships between the links and joints of the robot, as well as the lengths and orientations of the individual links.

For example, if we consider a simple 6DOF manipulator with revolute joints, the inverse kinematic equations might have the following form:

theta1 = f1(X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, yaw) theta2 = f2(X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, yaw) theta3 = f3(X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, yaw) theta4 = f4(X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, yaw) theta5 = f5(X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, yaw) theta6 = f6(X, Y, Z, roll, pitch, yaw)

where theta1, theta2, ..., theta6 represent the joint angles and f1, f2, ..., f6 are the corresponding functions that map the end-effector's position and orientation to the joint angles.

Create the complete definition of the functions f1 through f6 with no undefined functions. Assume a simple human arm with a single elbow joint

It is not possible for me to create the complete definition of the functions f1 through f6 without additional information about the specific robot and its kinematic structure. Inverse kinematic models are highly dependent on the specific geometry and configuration of the robot, and cannot be defined generally for all 6DOF manipulators.

As a simple example, consider a robot arm with a single revolute joint at the elbow, which allows it to rotate around a fixed axis. In this case, the inverse kinematic equations might have the following form:

f1(X, Y, Z) = arctan2(Y, X) # Calculate the angle of the shoulder joint f2(X, Y, Z, f1) = atan2(Z, sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)) # Calculate the angle of the elbow joint

where arctan2 and atan2 are the two-argument versions of the arctangent function, which takes into account the quadrant in which the point (X, Y) lies. These equations define the joint angles necessary to position the end effector at a given location (X, Y, Z) in space.