< Back
Generate a python script that takes the path to an HTML file as a command line argument and does the following using the BeautifulSoup library: 1. Extract out a div tag with a class that starts with the string "ThreadLayout__NodeWrapper-". Lets call this the main tag. 2. Inside the "main" tag, delete the divs that have a class that starts with one of the following strings: "Pagination__PaginationWrapper-", "ConversationItem__ActionButtons-", "CodeSnippet__ActionBar-" or "Thread__PositionForm-". 3. For any div with a class starting with the string "Avatar-", remove the style attribute if one exists. 4. For any "p" tags in the document, apply the style attribute with the value "white-space: pre-wrap;" and strip leading whitespaces in the text found in any child nodes (recursive), if they have any text. 5. Wrap the main tag in a standard HTML5 document. Include a link at the top (before the main tag), with the text "< Back" linking to the URL "/chatgpt" 6. Output the HTML document to stdout without prettifying it.

Here is a Python script that does the above:

import sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Read the HTML file html_file = sys.argv[1] with open(html_file, "r") as f: html = f.read() # Parse the HTML file using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # 1. Extract out a div tag with a class that starts with the string "ThreadLayout__NodeWrapper-". # Lets call this the main tag. main = soup.find("div", class_=lambda c: c and c.startswith("ThreadLayout__NodeWrapper-")) # 2. Inside the "main" tag, delete the divs that have a class that starts with one of the following strings: # "Pagination__PaginationWrapper-", "ConversationItem__ActionButtons-", "CodeSnippet__ActionBar-" or "Thread__PositionForm-". for div in main.find_all("div", class_=lambda c: c and c.startswith(("Pagination__PaginationWrapper-", "ConversationItem__ActionButtons-", "CodeSnippet__ActionBar-", "Thread__PositionForm-"))): div.decompose() # 3. For any div with a class starting with the string "Avatar-", remove the style attribute if one exists. for div in main.find_all("div", class_=lambda c: c and c.startswith("Avatar-")): div.attrs.pop("style", None) # 4. For any "p" tags in the document, apply the style attribute with the value "white-space: pre-wrap;" and # strip leading whitespaces in the text found in any child nodes (recursive), if they have any text. for p in soup.find_all("p"): p.attrs["style"] = "white-space: pre-wrap;" for text in p.find_all(text=True): text.replace_with(text.strip()) # 5. Wrap the main tag in a standard HTML5 document. Include a link at the top (before the main tag), # with the text "< Back" linking to the URL "/chatgpt" html_template = """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Modified HTML Document</title> </head> <body> <a href="/chatgpt">&lt; Back</a> {} </body> </html> """ # 6. Output the HTML document to stdout without prettifying it. print(html_template.format(main))

To run the script, you would need to have thebeautifulsoup4library installed. You can install it usingpip install beautifulsoup4.

To run the script, you can use the following command:

python script.py path/to/file.html

The output will be printed to the standard output.

Now write a bash script that can process a folder full of HTML files using the above python script (named chatgpt_parser.py) and place the files in a designated output folder.

Here is a bash script that does the above:

#!/usr/bin/env bash # Check if the number of arguments is correct if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 input_folder output_folder" exit 1 fi # Set the input and output folders input_folder=$1 output_folder=$2 # Check if the input folder exists and is a directory if [ ! -d "$input_folder" ]; then echo "Error: $input_folder does not exist or is not a directory" exit 1 fi # Check if the output folder exists and is a directory if [ ! -d "$output_folder" ]; then echo "Error: $output_folder does not exist or is not a directory" exit 1 fi # Create a temporary directory tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) # Process all HTML files in the input folder for file in "$input_folder"/*.html; do # Get the base filename without the extension filename=$(basename "$file" .html) # Process the HTML file using the chatgpt_parser.py script python chatgpt_parser.py "$file" > "$tmp_dir/$filename.html" done # Move the processed files from the temporary directory to the output directory mv "$tmp_dir"/*.html "$output_folder" # Delete the temporary directory rmdir "$tmp_dir"

To use the script, you would need to have thechatgpt_parser.pyscript in the same directory as this script. You would also need to have thepythonandmktempcommands in your system'sPATH.

To run the script, you can use the following command:

./script.sh input_folder output_folder

This will process all the HTML files in theinput_folderand place the processed files in theoutput_folder.