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What is a compact text-based format that can encode instrumental music and then be easily parsed and played back by computers.

A compact text-based format for encoding instrumental music is called MusicXML. It is a widely used format that can be easily parsed and played back by computers. MusicXML allows users to represent the details of a musical score, including notation, pitch, rhythm, and other performance information. It is a popular choice among musicians, composers, and music software developers because of its ability to accurately capture the nuances of a musical score.

Write the full implementation of a python script that can take a MusicXML file as a commandline argument. It should then produce realtime audio output, possibly by first converting the music into a temporary midi file (maybe using music21.converter). Use pygame to play back the midi file. Wait for the playback to finish before exiting using pygame.time.Clock().tick

Here is a python script that can take a MusicXML file as a command line argument and produce realtime audio output using pygame:

import sys import music21 import pygame from pygame.locals import * # Get the MusicXML file from the command line argument if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('Please provide a MusicXML file as a command line argument') sys.exit(1) music_xml_file = sys.argv[1] # Convert the MusicXML file to a MIDI file using music21 midi_file = music21.converter.parse(music_xml_file).write('midi') # Initialize pygame pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() # Load the MIDI file and play it pygame.mixer.music.load(midi_file) pygame.mixer.music.play() # Wait for the playback to finish before exiting clock = pygame.time.Clock() while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy(): clock.tick(30)

The script first imports the necessary modules and parses the MusicXML file from the command line argument. It then uses themusic21module to convert the MusicXML file to a MIDI file.

Next, it initializespygameand loads the MIDI file usingpygame.mixer.music.load(). It then plays the MIDI file usingpygame.mixer.music.play().

Finally, the script waits for the playback to finish before exiting usingpygame.time.Clock().tick()`. This ensures that the script does not exit until the audio playback is complete.